Somatic Attachment Psychotherapy Online 2 Year Training with Lisa Mortimore, PhD


Early attachment injuries forge a neurophysiological template of self and impact affect regulation, relational functioning, and distort one’s internal working model(s). The heart of this training addresses the reparation of insecure attachment. The curriculum weaves a framework that draws upon diverse theoretical and conceptual understandings from: attachment theory, somatic psychotherapy, trauma studies, affect regulation and […]


Chronic Shame in Clinical Practice: An Embodied Relational Perspective with Stacy Adam Jensen, MEd, RCC


This online workshop offers a nuanced perspective for working with the difficult and often therapeutically evasive presentations of chronic shame. It offers a blend of theory and clinical insight on the etiology and impact of chronic shame, illuminates ways to identify its clinical presentations, and presents a framework for working with it from an embodied, […]


Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification

Online and in Langley, BC

FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’, and for preventing therapist burn-out. Focusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – Why are some clients successful in counselling, […]


Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification

Online and in Langley, BC

FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’, and for preventing therapist burn-out. Focusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – Why are some clients successful in counselling, […]

Somatic Attachment Psychotherapy Online 2 Year Training with Lisa Mortimore, Ph.D. and Stacy Adam Jensen, MEd

Online BC

Early attachment injuries forge a neurophysiological template of self and impact affect regulation and relational functioning and distort one’s internal working model(s). The heart of this training addresses the reparation of insecure attachment. The curriculum weaves a framework that draws upon diverse theoretical and conceptual understandings from attachment theory, somatic psychotherapy, trauma studies, affect regulation […]


Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification

Online and in Langley, BC

FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’, and for preventing therapist burn-out. Focusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – Why are some clients successful in counselling, […]


Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification

Online and in Langley, BC

FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’, and for preventing therapist burn-out. Focusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – Why are some clients successful in counselling, […]

Working with Children: Getting comfortable with different levels of risk


Working with children involves several risk factors. As a counsellor, how prepared and equipped are you to handle these situations?

When children or their parents seek counselling for on their behalf, things are rarely black and white. Counsellors are often hesitant or sensitive to the complexities of these situations due to existing regulations, reputational risks, or a potential lawsuit. It doesn’t have to be that way.


Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification

Online and in Langley, BC

FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’, and for preventing therapist burn-out. Focusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – Why are some clients successful in counselling, […]


Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification

Online and in Langley, BC

FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’, and for preventing therapist burn-out. Focusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – Why are some clients successful in counselling, […]

34th Annual National Suicide Prevention Conference – Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront, Vancouver, BC 1133 W Hastings St., Vancouver, BC

  Inspiring Hope Together Hosted by the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP), this conference provides a forum for diverse perspectives including researchers, front-line clinicians, individuals with lived experience, First People’s teachings, and sector professionals from across the country.   The theme, “Inspiring Hope Together,” emphasizes the power of unity in creating positive change. When […]

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